Life in the Driver's Seat
You deserve a life that blows your mind- a life that makes you excited to get out of bed in the morning...so why aren't you experiencing this type of life? Join Life Coach and Mindset Expert Jacquelyn Emery each week as she discusses how you can can get from where you are right now to where you want to be. If you're stuck in a rut, wondering why you aren't taking action to create the life you really want, this show will educate, inspire, and motivate you to turn your vision into a reality...and feel great while doing it.
83 episodes
How to Feel Better (Part 2)
Do you ever catch yourself thinking "when i get (that thinner body, that new partner, that bigger house, that new job) then i'll be happy"? The problem is things don't make us happy. Happiness isn't somethi...
Season 1

How to Feel Better (Part 1)
We all want to feel our best, but getting there can seem challenging.Many times we're simply focusing on the wrong things in order to make ourselves feel better. In this special 3 part series i'll be covering 3 Feel Better My...

Your Personality Doesn't Have to Define You
We all have a perceived "personality" which are the thoughts and beliefs we carry about ourselves...But sometimes we let our personality rob us of our full potential.We often use it as an excuse as to why we are the way we are, or...
Season 1
Episode 81

Why Should I?
When we live our life with the perspective of "why should I" it keeps us focused on what's happening around us to determine how we will show up and respond...who we will be.In this week's episode I am offering another option- choosing h...
Season 1
Episode 80

The Power of Simplicity
We are bombarded with so much information, and so many options and choices on an every day basis- which can make life feel a little overwhelming. But even with all of these options it can feel like we aren't really slowing down to fully...
Season 1
Episode 79

The What-Not-To-Do List
We spend a lot of time thinking about our To-Do List, and all of things we should be doing...But how much time do we spend thinking about what we should NOT be doing?In this episode i'm walking you through creating your very own...
Season 1
Episode 78

Thought of the Year
Imagine having a central thought that not only inspires you, but also shapes how you feel and act throughout the upcoming year. In this special episode I will walk you through creating your very own thought of the year.Get ...
Season 1
Episode 77

Ten is the New Five
What if what once was a ten in your life is now actually a five?How would this perspective change the way you think, causing you to show up in bigger ways to experience a bigger life? In today's episode I'll teach how to us...
Season 1
Episode 76

Your Best Days Are Never Behind You
Depending on where you are in life in can be easy to feel like your best days are behind you. But what if this were never true- What if a bigger future was always available? In this episode we are discussing how a Grow...
Season 1
Episode 75

"Give" Energy
It's easy for us to focus on what we can get, but focusing on what we can give brings us so many benefits.In this episode we will explore the difference between "give" and "get" energy, and how you can use "give" energy to gain purpose ...
Season 1
Episode 74

Doing vs Being
Having trouble following through on your goals?The problem could be that you're focusing more on what you're doing than who you are being.When we focus on who we are being we unlock the potential for lasting change.In th...
Season 1
Episode 73

The Gratitude Challenge
Feeling anxious, stressed or overwhelmed? Welcome to being a human.Most of us are just following where our brain leads...BUT we can learn to intentionally redirect our brain to gratitude. And the result is feeling better, a...
Season 1
Episode 72

Doing Nothing as an Action
Feel like you're spinning your wheels and getting nowhere? You're exhausted from trying and it's starting to feel...hopeless.What if the answer is...to do NOTHING (But not in the way you might think).In this episode i'll break d...

The Goal Cycle
Do you find yourself caught in the loop of setting goals only to quit and find yourself right back where you started? In today's episode we are discussing the dreaded Goal Cycle- why it keeps happening, and how you can get out of i...

Those Thoughts are Your Thoughts
We spend so much of our energy worrying about what other people are thinking of us...but what if we could turn that into something useful for moving us forward?In this week's episode I'll show you how to use this as an opportunity to un...

Friendships Made Easy
Friendships have the ability to massively up-level the quality of our life, but for many people they are also the source of a lot of hurt and frustration.In this episode we will cover the WHO, WHAT, and HOW of friendships so you can sta...
Episode 68

Two Options for Getting Unstuck
If you're feeling stuck, miserable, or unsatisfied in any area of your life you don't have to feel that way. There are always two options available to you: you can change your experience OR you can change your circumstance.
Episode 67

Shaming Your Way to Change
So many of us use shame as a way to motivate us to change. And though it may work, when we get to other side we are left with the self concept we created to get there. There is a better way...a way that is just as effe...
Episode 66

Think Smaller
Thinking big and creating big goals for yourself can seem exciting...but it may actually be keeping you from achieving real change in your life. What if you tried thinking SMALLER?In this episode I will walk you through 3 r...
Episode 65

Emotional Wealth vs Material Wealth
So many people are focused on gaining Material Wealth while paying little attention to Emotional Wealth.But Material Wealth brings you TEMPORARY happiness at best, while Emotional Wealth brings you a permanent ability to experience your...
Episode 64

Creating Your Own Value
Most of us think outside sources are responsible for the value we receive- we wait for an author to move us deeply and inspire change, the artist to perform perfectly at the concert, the weather to be perfect on vacation, out spouse to make the...
Season 1
Episode 63

Choosing Productive Hard Emotion
Change can feel painful...but so can staying stuck where you are. In this episode we will discuss how to get yourself to choose the productive hard emotion so you can consistently move forward in creating the results and life you t...
Season 1
Episode 62

Present Living
Too many of us are letting our past proof OR our fear of the future determine the life we create in the present.But there is a better way. We can choose to instead practice something i'm calling Present Living.Prese...
Season 1
Episode 61